Hello all!
For a long time I have lamented the fact that an AWESOME game like Hakuoki got translated only for the PSP which I don’t have D: (One can only go so far borrowing from a cousin T.T). I knew the JPCSP emulator worked for PSP games, but I couldn’t get anything to work ToT But finally thanks to some kind-hearted people describing the way to handle this, a couple days ago I got Hakuoki to work with the emulator , with music and voices and everything! Now I don’t have to depend on others and play on my own!

Now, let's get ready to hunt some shinsengumi bishies! Well since this is a general tutorial on JPCSP non-Hakuoki fans are welcome too~
First get the ISO file for English Hakuoki (or whatever game you are trying to play) by ripping it yourself using a friend's psp or downloading it (just be sure to buy the game too when you get it to work! We don't want to developers to become bankrupt and stop making these beautiful games do we? ) and grab this emupack I made with all the softwares you need for this.
ISO:Sorry no links, rip it yourself or google it
Buying Hakuoki:
or http://www.gamestop.com/psp/games/hakuoki-demon-of-the-fleeting-blossom/97906
EMUPACK(Contains OpenMG+Sonic Stage+Sound Forge 10+mono ATRAC3PLUS tool v1.9.29)
(There are torrent links available at the tut links, but MF>>>>>Torrent when it comes to speed, right? :D ).
Also if you are on any other platform (I'm on windows 32-bit), be sure to grab JPCSP for the correct OS here:
JPCSP : Get the LATEST version of JPCSP for you Operating sytem here: http://jpcsp.org/
It seems new and updated revisions are released periodically. These usually contain certain fixes and tweaks not present in earlier versions like the official one, and may be more compatible, or even run certain games faster. Get them from here: http://buildbot.orphis.net/jpcsp/
I use the latest JPCSP version from the new build and always keep changing every few weeks, the version I included in the emupack is too old by now.
Also to be able to run JPCSP, you'll need the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
I am using JRE 7 from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1637588.html
1)Setting up JPCSP
You need to set up the JPCSP emulator properly to play any PSP game. To do this see this video that I made:
I give my heartfelt thanks to this AWESOME step by step guide at
A few things to remember while following the above tutorial:
• Sonic Stage had 2 folders in it, ss_english and ss_add_english. I donno if they have anything different, I used the ss_english one.
• Make sure you don't forget to properly config JPCSP, I forgot at first and MAN my game looked like one hell of an ugly moth*********. Specially confirm “Only GE graphics” and “Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory” boxes are checked. These options will make your game run way, way faster. Please note however: these will make the opening movie fail to play (you'll get some odd flickering during the time it's playing, just press the Start button to skip). If you want to watch the opening movie, just uncheck these options and it will work fine. Remember to check them again afterward.
• After launching the game successfully, go to "Options"---->"Controls" to see which Keyboard button corresponds to the respective PSP one.
If you experience any errors and fail to set up JPCSP properly, that is, the game does not work properly, don't bother skipping to the next step and fix this problem first.
2)Setting up Voices
So to solve this problem, check out my 2nd video: The method in the below is the old method, there is a new method to get the voices working for new versions of JPCSP, which is much easier to implement and less buggy.
I don't have any games where the new method doesn't work but the old
one does, so follow the steps below and ignore the old video that I have
now put in the bottom of the tutorial. (instructions copied from
official JPCSP forums)Starting from version 3079, JPCSP can now use a
new atrac3+ decoder that supports both stereo and mono formats, so the
monoatrac tool method is not necessary for them. So you can uninstall
the version of Sound Forge you had before and Mono_ATRAC3PLUS tool ,
JPCSP will be able to handle everything by itself if you do the steps
below correctly.
First you need to download this: http://www.emunewz.net/forum/attachment.php?aid=12833. This is the program that will do the decoding itself, called “atrac3plus2wav.exe". Next you need the driver.
To get it, visit SONY’s website (http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/download/updates/soundforgefamily) and download the “Sound Forge 9.0e Build 441" trial version. It has to be 9.0e build 441, any other version will crash the program. Once you have it, start installation and press “next" several times until the program asks you to install Microsoft Visual C++. (Interestingly enough I didn’t get this message, probably because I already had it)
Once that happens, alt+tab out of the installer, open windows explorer (either with desktop icon or windows key+e), navigate to “C:\Program Files\Sony Setup\Sound Forge 9.0" or “C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony Setup\Sound Forge 9.0" depending from your system, and find a file called “atracplu.cab". Open this with winrar, winzip or 7zip, find a file called “atracplug.dll" in it and extract it somewhere, like the desktop. Close the installer now that you got this file.
Next, move both “atrac3plus2wav.exe" and “atracplug.dll" to your jpcsp folder, to lib/windows-x86 for 32 bit version and lib/windows-amd64 for 64 bit version.
Note, this has to be done that way. You must remember to activate the “Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine)" option in JPCSP, which is located in Options > Configuration > Media. SonicStage needs to be installed regardless of what other decoders you use, otherwise this won’t work.
For a long time I have lamented the fact that an AWESOME game like Hakuoki got translated only for the PSP which I don’t have D: (One can only go so far borrowing from a cousin T.T). I knew the JPCSP emulator worked for PSP games, but I couldn’t get anything to work ToT But finally thanks to some kind-hearted people describing the way to handle this, a couple days ago I got Hakuoki to work with the emulator , with music and voices and everything! Now I don’t have to depend on others and play on my own!
Now, let's get ready to hunt some shinsengumi bishies! Well since this is a general tutorial on JPCSP non-Hakuoki fans are welcome too~
First get the ISO file for English Hakuoki (or whatever game you are trying to play) by ripping it yourself using a friend's psp or downloading it (just be sure to buy the game too when you get it to work! We don't want to developers to become bankrupt and stop making these beautiful games do we? ) and grab this emupack I made with all the softwares you need for this.
ISO:Sorry no links, rip it yourself or google it
Buying Hakuoki:
or http://www.gamestop.com/psp/games/hakuoki-demon-of-the-fleeting-blossom/97906
EMUPACK(Contains OpenMG+Sonic Stage+Sound Forge 10+mono ATRAC3PLUS tool v1.9.29)
(There are torrent links available at the tut links, but MF>>>>>Torrent when it comes to speed, right? :D ).
Also if you are on any other platform (I'm on windows 32-bit), be sure to grab JPCSP for the correct OS here:
JPCSP : Get the LATEST version of JPCSP for you Operating sytem here: http://jpcsp.org/
It seems new and updated revisions are released periodically. These usually contain certain fixes and tweaks not present in earlier versions like the official one, and may be more compatible, or even run certain games faster. Get them from here: http://buildbot.orphis.net/jpcsp/
I use the latest JPCSP version from the new build and always keep changing every few weeks, the version I included in the emupack is too old by now.
Also to be able to run JPCSP, you'll need the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
I am using JRE 7 from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1637588.html
1)Setting up JPCSP
You need to set up the JPCSP emulator properly to play any PSP game. To do this see this video that I made:
I give my heartfelt thanks to this AWESOME step by step guide at
A few things to remember while following the above tutorial:
• Sonic Stage had 2 folders in it, ss_english and ss_add_english. I donno if they have anything different, I used the ss_english one.
• Make sure you don't forget to properly config JPCSP, I forgot at first and MAN my game looked like one hell of an ugly moth*********. Specially confirm “Only GE graphics” and “Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory” boxes are checked. These options will make your game run way, way faster. Please note however: these will make the opening movie fail to play (you'll get some odd flickering during the time it's playing, just press the Start button to skip). If you want to watch the opening movie, just uncheck these options and it will work fine. Remember to check them again afterward.
• After launching the game successfully, go to "Options"---->"Controls" to see which Keyboard button corresponds to the respective PSP one.
If you experience any errors and fail to set up JPCSP properly, that is, the game does not work properly, don't bother skipping to the next step and fix this problem first.
2)Setting up Voices
For many games this much is enough, but with Hakuoki
you'll have to do a bit more if you want to listen to the smexy bishies'
voices, even if you stop right here you'll still be able to play the
game with great music and sound effects, but no voices D:
First you need to download this: http://www.emunewz.net/forum/attachment.php?aid=12833. This is the program that will do the decoding itself, called “atrac3plus2wav.exe". Next you need the driver.
To get it, visit SONY’s website (http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/download/updates/soundforgefamily) and download the “Sound Forge 9.0e Build 441" trial version. It has to be 9.0e build 441, any other version will crash the program. Once you have it, start installation and press “next" several times until the program asks you to install Microsoft Visual C++. (Interestingly enough I didn’t get this message, probably because I already had it)
Once that happens, alt+tab out of the installer, open windows explorer (either with desktop icon or windows key+e), navigate to “C:\Program Files\Sony Setup\Sound Forge 9.0" or “C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony Setup\Sound Forge 9.0" depending from your system, and find a file called “atracplu.cab". Open this with winrar, winzip or 7zip, find a file called “atracplug.dll" in it and extract it somewhere, like the desktop. Close the installer now that you got this file.
Next, move both “atrac3plus2wav.exe" and “atracplug.dll" to your jpcsp folder, to lib/windows-x86 for 32 bit version and lib/windows-amd64 for 64 bit version.
Note, this has to be done that way. You must remember to activate the “Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine)" option in JPCSP, which is located in Options > Configuration > Media. SonicStage needs to be installed regardless of what other decoders you use, otherwise this won’t work.
After having followed these 2 tutorials your emulator should work fine :)
If you have extremely low PC/laptop configuration and the voices sound scratchy and awful, give up on the voices, it's great enough with the music and awesome art.
Trouble Shooting
I had some problems when trying to update with a newer JPCSP build other than the one I was using before, for unknown reasons SonicStage didn't work with it and I couldn't hear any music :( But manually starting SonicStage from Start menu solved the problem.
JPCSP Compatibility
To see which games work on JPCSP, check out the forums and compatibility lists here:
(Or the easy way: Google "[game's name] emunewz". That's it, really.)
Otome Games Compatibility
Before I used CONFIRMED to indicate which worked in my laptop, but almost all of them did so I switched the wording around >;D The games mentioned below almost all work PERFECTLY (unless mentioned otherwise) in my rugged, almost six year old laptop. I used the settings of my tutorial and tested them with the latest build available at that moment. I mention unconfirmed when I haven't tested them myself.
-Amnesia (2871 build)
-Amnesia Later (2871 build)
-Are You Alice? (2932 build)
-Brothers conflict: Passion Pink (Unconfirmed)
-Clock Zero ~Shuuen no Ichibyou~ (3407 build)
-Diamond no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World (3407 build tested, but works best with older 2932 build***)
-Diamond no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Mirror World (3407 build tested, but works best with older 2932 build***)
-Gekka Ryouran Romance (2932 build)
-Grim the Bounty Huntter (no problems using r2841 build, Unconfirmed)
-Hakuoki ~Demon of the Fleeting Blossom~ (3407 build)
-Hakuouki - Zuisouroku (3407 build)
-Hakuouki - Yuugi Roku (Encrypted, Unconfirmed)
-Hiiro no Kakera 3 (Unconfirmed)
-Hoshiiro no Okurimono (voices work but no BGM, Unconfirmed)
-Hyakki Yakou ~Kaidan Romance~ (3407 build tested, but works best with older 2932 build***)
-Kamigami no Asobi (3407 build)
-Kami Naru Kimi to (Unconfirmed)
-Lucian Bee's Justice Yellow (Unconfirmed)
-Moujuutsukai to Oujisama (almost perfect sound with default settings; no video without configuration, Unconfirmed)
-Musketeer: Le Sang des Chevaliers (Unconfirmed)
-Norn9 (3129 build)
-Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan ~Sweet Never Land~ (voices work with new method/sound forge but no BGM, PPSSPP has music but much lower sound volume)
-Omochabako no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World (voices work with new method/sound forge but no BGM, PPSSPP has music but much lower sound volume)
-Persona 3 Portable (3407 build)
-Princess Arthur (3129 build)
-Romeo VS Juliet (3407 build)
-Shinigami to Shoujo (needs original fonts to be copied from PSP, Unconfirmed)
-School Wars (2871 build)
-Starry Sky ~in Summer~ (Unconfirmed)
-Toki no Kizuna (perfect framerate and music with the configured settings)
-Uta no☆Prince-sama ♪ Repeat (perfect framerate, voices and music with new 3129 build)
-Uta no Prince-sama ~Sweet Serenade~ (Unconfirmed)
-Wand of Fortune II (Unconfirmed)
If you have extremely low PC/laptop configuration and the voices sound scratchy and awful, give up on the voices, it's great enough with the music and awesome art.
Trouble Shooting
I had some problems when trying to update with a newer JPCSP build other than the one I was using before, for unknown reasons SonicStage didn't work with it and I couldn't hear any music :( But manually starting SonicStage from Start menu solved the problem.
JPCSP Compatibility
To see which games work on JPCSP, check out the forums and compatibility lists here:
(Or the easy way: Google "[game's name] emunewz". That's it, really.)
Otome Games Compatibility
Before I used CONFIRMED to indicate which worked in my laptop, but almost all of them did so I switched the wording around >;D The games mentioned below almost all work PERFECTLY (unless mentioned otherwise) in my rugged, almost six year old laptop. I used the settings of my tutorial and tested them with the latest build available at that moment. I mention unconfirmed when I haven't tested them myself.
-Amnesia (2871 build)
-Amnesia Later (2871 build)
-Are You Alice? (2932 build)
-Brothers conflict: Passion Pink (Unconfirmed)
-Clock Zero ~Shuuen no Ichibyou~ (3407 build)
-Diamond no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World (3407 build tested, but works best with older 2932 build***)
-Diamond no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Mirror World (3407 build tested, but works best with older 2932 build***)
-Gekka Ryouran Romance (2932 build)
-Grim the Bounty Huntter (no problems using r2841 build, Unconfirmed)
-Hakuoki ~Demon of the Fleeting Blossom~ (3407 build)
-Hakuouki - Zuisouroku (3407 build)
-Hakuouki - Yuugi Roku (Encrypted, Unconfirmed)
-Hiiro no Kakera 3 (Unconfirmed)
-Hoshiiro no Okurimono (voices work but no BGM, Unconfirmed)
-Hyakki Yakou ~Kaidan Romance~ (3407 build tested, but works best with older 2932 build***)
-Kamigami no Asobi (3407 build)
-Kami Naru Kimi to (Unconfirmed)
-Lucian Bee's Justice Yellow (Unconfirmed)
-Moujuutsukai to Oujisama (almost perfect sound with default settings; no video without configuration, Unconfirmed)
-Musketeer: Le Sang des Chevaliers (Unconfirmed)
-Norn9 (3129 build)
-Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan ~Sweet Never Land~ (voices work with new method/sound forge but no BGM, PPSSPP has music but much lower sound volume)
-Omochabako no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World (voices work with new method/sound forge but no BGM, PPSSPP has music but much lower sound volume)
-Persona 3 Portable (3407 build)
-Princess Arthur (3129 build)
-Romeo VS Juliet (3407 build)
-Shinigami to Shoujo (needs original fonts to be copied from PSP, Unconfirmed)
-School Wars (2871 build)
-Starry Sky ~in Summer~ (Unconfirmed)
-Toki no Kizuna (perfect framerate and music with the configured settings)
-Uta no☆Prince-sama ♪ Repeat (perfect framerate, voices and music with new 3129 build)
-Uta no Prince-sama ~Sweet Serenade~ (Unconfirmed)
-Wand of Fortune II (Unconfirmed)
Anyway that will be all! Good luck, everyone!
I have noticed a few times that when my RAM was too full that mono
atrac plus tool was acting odd and not playing the voices. Most of the
time just restarting JPCSP and the tool was enough, but a couple of
times I didn't get solved until I restarted my PC. However, all of the
problems were solved when I removed the option "Reboot Soundforge and
the tool after START" and manually opened Soundforge every time before
playing instead. I had to click the "Show/Hide Sound Forge" also too
hide the Sound Forge window. I guess Virtual desktop wasn't working
properly for some reason.
Old monoatrac tool method:
My eternal love for the awesome person who wrote this amazingly detailed tutorial here which helped me make this video~ http://freshfrenchtoast.tumblr.com/post/22585969788/how-to-get-character-voices-to-play-on-your-utapri-game A few things to remember while following the above tutorial:
• When using the keygen for soundforge don't close it midway, use the
serial no, activation no which were generated at the same time as when
you clicked on "patch". Also don't forget to select “Sound Forge 10.0
Series”. • The mono_atrac_plus tool
michelle(freshfrenchtoast) posted on her tutorial was version 1.7, the
one in my pack is version 1.9.29 since I couldn't download from the link
she gave. The instructions for 1.9 version are exactly the same, except
that the option “use the AT32AA3plugin” isn't there. Just do evrything
as per the instructions and after clicking start in the tool, without
closing the window go back to JPCSP and play :)
• ULUS10577 is the Game ID for Hakuoki, the folder inside the tmp folder where the Atrac folder will be is named such.
seems there a number of errors possible when this tool is not used
properly, see them all with their solutions at the chinese site: http://hi.baidu.com/csxpgege/blog/item/ded114f2db4c1a0ab17ec56e.html Here's the google translated version.
It keeps a rather intelligible translation, though a little ENGRISH-y.
XD Keep both translated and untranslated versions open side by side if
you are going to compare any errors you've encountered, for some reason
google translate does not show any pictures (at least not for me)
First of all I would like to say Thank You!!! Its a very neatly made guide and Ive been dying to play Hakuoki for sooo long >.< But unfortunately I encountered a problem i have no idea how to deal with :( First part of guide went smoothly I can launch game and everything works just perfect buuuuuut when i try to configure voices i just cant do it. I followed guide step by step Iam sure i did everything accordingly and it seemed like its all doing just fine but when i reach last step launch mono-tool set path for sound forge and Atrac and click Start some unknown error with a lot of ??????? pops out and mono tool and sound forge shuts down leaving only emulator working. I have no idea what is that error or by what is it caused :( Do you by any chance have any idea? Iam so desperate here >.< by the way iam using windows 7-64x system and i downloaded jre and jpcsp for that system every other program i used is from your emulatorpack. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated ^^
ReplyDeleteIs your Language set to English in the Language tab of mono ATRAC3PLUS tool?
DeleteAlso after some soul searching, it seems that the 64-bit version JPCSP has problems with audio (I have no idea, this awesome person here who uses 64 bit said so http://wednesdaysky.tumblr.com/post/12125964160/uta-no-prince-sama-repeat-on-jpcsp )and you don’t want the 64-bit version even if you have a 64-bit operating system; apparently audio doesn’t work in it at all or something. Anyway according to her, 32-bit will work fine for everybody. Why don't you try the JPCSP inside my emupack and tell me the results?
Yes I do have language set on english and i tried using 32-bit version it runs well just like 64-bit version but encounters same problem. I tried experimenting a little with language settings on my PC to see what is that error about since there were only ??? when my setting was on english but when i tried Japanese it finally started writing something. Now to find someone who actually understands japanese >.< awwwww this is so cruel i finally have working Hakuoki but no Bishie voices >.<
ReplyDeleteOkie I tried it out heres the link> http://tinypic.com/r/2rw2j2s/6
ReplyDeleteHmm, I asked I chinese friend who got confused and couldn't tell me what the error exactly meant, but he said that it says something about date and time settings. So could it be that there is something wrong with your system date and time?
DeleteI looked up the chinese site and from google translate I saw they had a reported error about "system date and time format is not supported"
Their solution was:"You need to adjust the date format (below is the win7 system)" and this creepy pic: http://hiphotos.baidu.com/csxpgege/pic/item/2541121f4134970acffb1e9895cad1c8a6865d14.jpg
I think you'll have to go and check your Date and Time format settings under the Region and Language option in the control panel. Check whether it's similar to mine as I can run the game perfectly.
Iam afraid thats not it :{ my settings are exactly the same as well..oh well i gues its not meant to be then..no smexy bishies for me boooohooo, thanks for all of your help I imagine it was pretty tough searching that chinese site :) I tried reinstaling everything and following guide once again in case i made any mistakes but nope same results and since there is no way figuring out where the problem is...just my luck :p even so your guide is awesome I configurated my emulator very easily thanks to it Iam sure lots of other players will find it very useful as well :)
ReplyDeleteYeah it seems like I'm out of ideas too. >.< One last random thing: I found this in the readme of the software
Delete"2012-5-28 update 1.9.25: Access to the system time and date separator to strengthen the compatibility of non-Simplified Chinese system date and time." So as a last effort, try the version of the tool before this blasted update.
mono ATRAC3PLUS tool version 1.9.24
Another even older version (you'll have to remember to change the language from Chinese to English in this version)
If it still doesn't work I guess try another PC? :(
OMG YES! YES! YES! It worked yahoooo xD so in the end it realy was because of that tool! version 1.9.24 works perfectly for me ^.^ Kyaaaaaaa so happy xD funny thing we tried so many things but in the end solution was this easy just get older version of the tool :D Thank youuuu now you made my day :D Finally I can start my start edo-bishie hunt right after I finish PersonA. ^.^
DeleteLOL you know I thought of this at first when my friend told me about that date time thingy, but that chinese site confused me XD Should have suggested this first.
Delete*joins happy dance* I'm happy for you ^_^
Hi! First of all thank you so much for putting all of this together! I've been absolutely dying to play this game so I'm really grateful! But I'm having some troubles. I've followed all the steps exactly but when I get to the keygen part I keep getting an error that says "An error has occurred while patching the file" and no matter what I do I can't seem to figure it out!
ReplyDeleteNevermind! After fiddling around with it for a few hours I finally figured it out. Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so glad I finally get to play this game! :)
DeleteHello! I was wondering if you knew where to download otome games for PSP (they're near impossible to get where I live ^^;). I really want to play Storm Lover Natsukoi but can't seem to find it anywhere on the web D: Any help would be greatly appreciated~! ^^
ReplyDeleteI sent a message to your LJ, check your inbox.
DeleteI'm wondering, will it work in Mac? Since I saw the OpenMG file is in .exe which can't be opened in Mac. But I really want to play those PSP games.. ;__; Can you help?
DeleteThis place has the standalone OpenMG and Sonic Stage installer, try installing them independently and check. But from what I know JPCSP works on both Linux or Mac, but the games that need Sonic Stage to decode audio have some sound missing as apparently Sonic Stage is windows only.
I have tried the OpenMG and installed it using CrossOver but it keeps giving me an error. It shows like this; http://i.imgur.com/zKgkj.png
DeleteI guess it doesn't support OpenMG after all, the JPCSP version for Mac from jpcsp.org should work though. Meaning you'll be able to play but you'll be missing some sounds.
DeleteI see.. Well, it can't be helped then. But when I tried opening the .ISO file directly using JPCSP, it says 'File Format not Supported'. Or did I open it in wrong way?
DeleteDirectly? What do you mean? You put the ISO in umdimages folder and selected it from File>Load UMD, right?
DeleteUmdimages folder? I don't see it.. Because after I extracted the JPSCP zip, inside the folder there's only the JPSCP application.
DeleteI have no clue on how applications work for Mac, so I just google-fued and what I got was this:
Delete"In order to go to your umdimages folder in mac you need to do this
1. go to desktop
2. click on archive and select in the list for: search
then in the search bar you write: umd or umdimages and you will see that the folder with umdimages will appear. Click on it and put your psp game ISO in it."
Then start jpcsp and open the ISO from File>Load UMD, click Run.
I'm not sure about the archive part, but I did search for both umd and umdimages--I still found nothing.
DeleteI'm not sure how Mac works (I've never used one), but I downloaded the latest JPCSP for Mac, and after extracting I saw a Jpcsp.app directory. Inside it the umdimages folder was right there at Jpcsp.app\Contents\Resources\Java location. I donno why you're having trouble, sorry.
Delete. . .
DeleteFound it. Thank you very much for your help, sorry for the trouble OTL
after I installed sound forge, all my other visual novels games such as chou no doku, hana no kusari + more, seems to have lost all their sounds. can you help me retrieving the music, sounds, etc.? :C
ReplyDeleteHmm, what an weird problem, never heard anyone having this prob before O_O While playing these games, bring up windows task manager and tell me if "Forge100.exe" is there under the the Processes tab. If it is, shut it down by right clicking and ending the process and report.
DeleteIf not, do the reverse and actually launch Sound Forge before you play the games and tell me if it changes anything. If nothing works, uninstall Sound forge and see if everything returns to normal again.
BTW I too am playing normal visual novels at this moment, but they all work just fine. What games are you playing?
it looked like something was wrong with the emupack file that I downloaded but it's not your file's fault since my computer does that all the time =-=
Deleteso, I re-download and reinstalled the whole thing and it worked perfectly now so thank you so much C:
and I'm currently playing black wolves saga [:
btw you are awesome \(O//o//O)/
ReplyDeleteAt first thank you so much for this tutorial! ^_^
Unfortunately I have a big problem, after loading the iso file, the game starts, the music is perfect, however you can see nothing but the black screen...
I reinstalled the programs and followed your awesome guide but I got the same black screen.
I really don't no how to fix it, but I won' give it up. T_T
Shall I try another iso?
Hmm,is it from craneanime? That iso is guaranteed to work. Also do other games work on the emulator? If they do, then it might be an iso problem, maybe the iso got damaged somehow.
DeleteMore over, if another game iso didn't work, could it be your graphic card..?
DeleteHi! Thank you very much for the tutorial :D
ReplyDeleteI didn't understand how to use jpcsp at all xD and now I could load the game and everything. But I have a little problem with the voices and I hope you can help me >.<
I had the same thing Alatea had, I mean, the pop up that appears after putting START in ATRAC3PLUS. It says "Run-time error 5. Invalid procedure call or argument". And I'm pretty sure I followed your steps correctly. I even tried using older versions of the same program (both the JPCSP and the ATRAC3PLUS) just in case but... nothing changed.
Well! Anyways, help cause I can play it! I really hope I could listen to their voices too~ xP
I have heard of this error, but the person didn't have any thing to do with emulation and encountered this message whil;e running another program so I don't know if you have the same prob. :/ According to them this happens if your windows isn't updated. I'm dubious about this, but give it a try.
DeleteAnother thing, though the error number does not match, try this before that windows update solution: Delete the setting.ini file, ensure that the the soundforge path and the tool path can not contain any Simplified Chinese characters or other special character (best pure English character path. )Try running the tool again.
Hi, thanks for answering me *-*!
DeleteI didn't even try doing that about the windows updates; it worked by deleting the setting.ini file (and by disabling the "Reboot SoundForge and the tool in Virtual Desktop after START" --cause if not the pop up keep insisting on appearing :P)
So thank you very much :'D it's been a while since I've been trying to play this game with the bishies' voices >w<
can I know what program did you use to convert file to iso ?
ReplyDeletebecause my hakuouki is still in rar file o-o;
I have Powerarchiever and Winrar, either of them can extract rar files.
DeleteOMG...!!! I Love U So Much...!! I've just finished my Amnesia download (which is spent 3 nights long) and was about to cry out blood for such heartbreaking emulator setting (my setting, lol), then u're giving me a lil' bit of hope, LOL,
ReplyDeleteBtw, did u know any software that is able to translate the language during play-time such as ATLAS, but the one for PSP emulator,? =\
Thanks a lot btw :D i'll get Hakuoki right away ( +___+ *super light speed
I want to ask, how to config the emu for 3rd birthday. This are my specs:
ReplyDeleteAMD AThlon Neo Processor MV-40 1.60 GHz
Vista 32bit
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series
*I use jpcsp v0.6 2696.. ThanKs!!
I don't have that game, but I found someone else who got good fps from this http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/224865_400050086707765_759539525_n.jpg
Delete"Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT)" option does not help much so you might want to leave it unchecked. Also try decreasing the maximum memthod size in compiler tab if you don't get good performance. Your config isn't bad so you shouldn't have probs though. For the sounds enable "Use Media Engine" and "Decode audio with SonicStage" in media tab.
Thanks for the speedy reply.. Another question.. I just use your method for the sound. After I had finished the config and try to play it, the sound buffer. Hope you can help..
DeleteYou have sonic stage installed? Otherwise the sound won't work properly.
DeleteOh and these are some additional config that I've seen people report to give good performance
Memory - Ignore invalid memory access,Ignore unmapped imports
Crypto - Handle SAVEDATA in crypto mode (for loading certain save files)
Thank you for the guide it was very helpful and i followed the guide but when i reach the part when i press the load button an error appears it says: JPCSP V0.6 2643
ReplyDeleteJPCSP can not display
the cause could be that you are using old graphic card driver(try to update it)
or your display is not compatible with JPCSP (try your display format . JPCSP requires 32bit color depth)
or the anti-aliasing setting isn't supported by your display (leave the JPCSP anti-aliasing to its default setting)
i have updated my graphic card driver and my display is compatible with JPCSP but i don't know what the anti-aliasing proplem is?
Hi there!!! i downloaded and followed all yr tutorials...but I'm currently stuck in the keygen during patching. the same message,"An error has occurred while patching the file" always pops out no matter how many times i uninstall it! Its an urgent matter so...PLS HELP.
ReplyDeletePlease check the tutorial videos carefully and check the notes in this post. When using the keygen for soundforge DON'T close it midway, use the serial no, activation no which were generated at the same time as when you clicked on "patch". Also don't forget to select “Sound Forge 10.0 Series”. If you mess up Sound forge patching you need to uninstall Sound forge and do a clean install again, then patch.
DeleteI believe i have followed these instructions but...sorry to bother, it's not actually working out. Is there another alternative?
Deleteto fix this problem u just need to right click the keygen and choose run as administrator
DeleteHello, first than nothing, than you so much for this tutorial! I was really, really lost about using Sound Forge and all the other things. You're great, thank you!
ReplyDeleteI have a question, when I'm using the mono_ATRAC, searching for the iso for the game Amnesia, when I have to search for the folder Atrac inside the game's folder, I don't see any folder with that name, only 5 folders that says "Mpeg-xxxxxx". So, I don't know what to do. In your tutorial you say something that you should play a little more the game if some folder doesn't appear. It's that? Or I should give up and play Amnesia without any sound? ;__;
Yes, play it without sound for a bit, then close everything and check whether the atrac folder has appeared in that directory. If not that would mean the sound files are in a format not supported by jpcsp.
DeleteOMG! I'm sorry for my late reply, school is killing me.
DeleteThank you so much for your answer. I tried again with the game Amnesia and there's still no ATRAC folder, but! I found it on Tokimeki so, anyways I'm happy!
Thank you very much for your tutorial, thank you :)
Hullo! Thank you so much for your time and effort in helping make this lovely tutorial. On my part, I've managed to follow the video to the end. Everything worked nicely except for the bit where I actually had to load the UMD. It gave me an error saying that the iso was encrypted. My heart about broke into pieces onto the floor ;A; I wonder if any one else ever encountered this? I'm guessing it's a problem with my particular iso. It's 1.11 gb.. If I may ask, what is the file size of the working iso?? I know you mentioned craneanime as a source but the forum there won't even allow me to register for some reason *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI just went back to an earlier version of the JPCSP :3 Anyway, once again, thanks for the tutorial! Am enjoying all the lovely bishies now~~
Ok Thanks for your guide but i have problem when i load the game it appears :V0.6 2643
ReplyDeleteJPCSP can not display
the cause could be that you are using old graphic card driver(try to update it)
or your display is not compatible with JPCSP (try your display format . JPCSP requires 32bit color depth)
or the anti-aliasing setting isn't supported by your display (leave the JPCSP anti-aliasing to its default setting)
Please help me i want to play this game very bad
It works !!!!
DeleteThank you so much the only thing i had to do was to change the quality of image to 32bits
Jpcsp gives me a critical error every time I want to load the UDM file which I can only load trough "Load File" because it doesn't appear in the UDM section, not even if I put the UDM file into the umdimages folder. What should i do?
ReplyDeleteI cant seem to register my Sound Forge. It did exactly as told, they just wont accept my activation code =(
ReplyDeleteThank you =)
Oh sorry, it says that the number i entered is in valid =(
DeleteFirst of all, I would like-love to thank you! I was able to play Hakuoki again after my PSP crash...so...Thank you so much!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI have downloaded the JPCSP and JRE7 but when I double click on the start-windows-amd64, it says the required version of JAVA is not installed. Help?
ReplyDeletei have installed the game and the emulator and all is running well. however, how do i save the game? apparently quicksave via the 'Q' button does not seem to be working. thanks.
ReplyDeletePress W to bring up the menu and save (use S and D for navigating).
Deletehi otome and thank you for the helpful and detailed tutorial =) i will definitely share this site around credits to you,
ReplyDeleteone problem that bugs me is my jpcsp will freeze at random places (especially when changing maps) ... so I have to replay again, I save regularly but when doing mission / quest , I cant save in between so its kinda frustrating... Im playing tales of the world radiant mythology 3 btw . its a very good game..
do u think it may be due to the configuration?
thanks for your time
While normally I would suggest poking around with the configuration (my given config is best for VNs but games with actual battles might need different config for best performance), I don't think it is this case here. I checked out the emunewz forums and it seems like many people have had the same problem as you. It's probably the game's own problem.
Try getting the latest custom build of jpcsp and see if that helps?
thank you for your reply
Deletei have tried the latest version and r2832 ver which helped bypass errors for some other games, but no luck, i will keep track of the forum link u gave me and see if they have come up with any solutions
Hi my emulator freezes and stops around in the prologue. However the music played in the game is working. I have tried saving a snapshot and loading it and the emulator also freezes. Is there any way to solve this? D:
ReplyDeleteActually, only after following your tutorial the game was able to play music. Now there are no voices and freezing D: Help please ;___;
DeleteHello, can you please reupload the emupack. Tried downloading seperately but I have no idea which to download since there are so many versions.
ReplyDeleteHello! Thanks for posting the step-by-step tutorial. When I tested the game before installing sound forge pro the music worked beautifully. Now I'm having an issue with mono_ATRAC3PLUS. I've tried using the older version AND the newest version that came in the emupack, but now there is absolutely NO sound whatsoever. I've looked through all the suggestions but not even the oldest version of monoatrac3 is working.
ReplyDeleteI have a 64-bit computer, but I've tried using the 32-bit as suggested (since an older post mentioned that 64-bit was having issues playing sound).
I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I desperately want to play the game with the voices and I'm so confused. I followed the instructions exactly as mentioned in the videos. :(
This has happened to me too, when using a new jpcsp version for unknown reasons SonicStage often doesn't work with it-making all sound disappear. Manually starting SonicStage from Start menu solves the problem.
DeleteHi!!! I wanted to say how wonderful your blog is and to thank you for your guide. I want to say that I had also problems with the game freezing and that I found a way to stop those problems. But I found this way on another blog so I wanted to ask if I have the permission to post the link to the blog so that everyone can find a way to solve those nasty freezings?
ReplyDeleteSure, why not. Post away, it would help me too. ^o^
DeleteHi there, I have the same problem with [Reika-chanSeptember 4, 2012 2:47 AM]
ReplyDeletewhich I couldn't solve somehow... I tried to do what it all says but I still receive the same error over and over again...
"the cause could be that you are using old graphic card driver(try to update it)
or your display is not compatible with JPCSP (try your display format . JPCSP requires 32bit color depth)
or the anti-aliasing setting isn't supported by your display (leave the JPCSP anti-aliasing to its default setting)"
I'm not sure with the anti-aliasing thingy but I know that its already set to default... hmm maybe it's the 32 bits? But I remembered that I already configured my windows to '1920 by 1080, true color (32bit)' ... and my GPD is on the update> Please help me~ thank you
Hi!!! I wanted to say that I had the same problem as you but after following the guide in the link below, first I played a while without any freezes but after I exited the game and tried to load the game again this problem appeared to me as well. I didn`t know what to do so I tried and I checked in display anti-aliasing off(default) and after that it worked great . Hope is works.
DeleteHere is the link
It is helpful if your emulator freezes.
Hello there,
ReplyDeleteI have question, maybe stupid one, but... In PC with some programes I can play games even it is japanese ( well, you know - ITH, Atlas and other miracles ). Can it be done with this one? Or it's just for english games?
Nope, ITH and ATLAS are exclusively for PC games, no emulator supports them.
DeleteHi there :) I was wondering how I can decrypt my .iso file. I have the .iso file but JPCSP claims that the file has been crypted or something >.> Do you know how to undo this or where to download the correct version?
ReplyDeleteHello :)
ReplyDeletei can't seem to download your emupack from the link above T_T
I updated the link, you should be able to now.
DeleteHi. Thank you for your awesome guide.
ReplyDeleteI have 1 problem I hope you can help me.
I've done everything and every step. But when I tried to press START for mono_atrac_plus tool, it says "JPCSP is not running, the tool stop working" something like that.
I tried manually opening Sound Forge before playing, but when I play still no voice ><!!!
Do I need to have additional config except for what you shown in the video if I open Sound Forge manually???
i did everything fine didnt got any error but i still can't hear voices
ReplyDeletesurprisingly its works on hakuouki but doesnt works on utapri ._. what can i do
DeleteHello there! Thank you for the explanation~ it was extremely helpful!
ReplyDeleteI am currently trying to play the game Sangoku Rensenki on the PSP and although the game loads the start screen is kind of dim and I can't see any buttons. Do you know why that might be?
Hi, I've played hakuouki a while ago (thanks to you!) and I LOVED it.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I've realized that it takes forever for otome games to be localized and that there are many amazing japanese otome games out there. Therefore, I decided to start learning Japanese YAY (...I'm so screwed lol).
I've heard that Moujuutsukai to Oujisama is a great game to start (beginner japanese). I'm probably gonna learn and use agth, atlas, etc to get a gist of it too.. Which reminds me, have you used those before - with success? I know they're VERY google translate-y though :p
ANYWAYS, my main question is, is it possible to have MORE than one iso or game with the jpcsp? Or would that affect the games? Thanks :D
Never mind, it`s possible :) BTW, are you able to read japanese? Or do you use translator engines (atlas, etc) to play japanese otome games? I`m considering learning japanese, but it doesnt seem very likely that I will :p Moreover, like I said before, I`ve heard that those translator engines aren`t that good, so I`m not sure if they`re worth the trouble :(
DeleteWhat do you say?
Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteHakuouki worked perfectly for me several months back and I completed the whole game :) However, today I went back to it, and the game plays perfectly, but the voices don't work anymore :o I (stupidly) put in another psp game iso in the umd folder. I deleted it, but now I can't hear voices on hakuouki!
Every time I click launch sony sound forge, it says, "Warning an error occurred while opening one or more files. The item was not found." I click more details, and then it says, "The file C:\Users\MYUSER\Desktop\Hakuoki\jpcsp-windows-x86\tmp\ULUS10577\Atrac\Atrac-00017558-09C20AC8.oma.AddHeader could not be opened."
Then I click start on the mono thing, and then it says, Please open [JPCSP Main Dir]/tmp/gameID/Atrac/
Please help me, I don't know what to do! :(
hi there,
ReplyDeleteim pretty sure i followed all the instructions for the first video right
and i downloaded everything
i got an iso file
but after i loaded the umd and pressed play
nothing loaded
i didnt get the black loading screen
the jpcsp stayed blank/grey like it was before
could it just be the iso file i downloaded?
nee that mono atrac wtf is that giving me error ( dunno is that japanese / chinese )
ReplyDeleteNote : I already changed language to english but that not helping..
Hi, I just wondering if ITH + Atlas translation will work
ReplyDeletewith japanese otome psp game playing in jpcsp
Have you ever try it?
Nope, the emulation system in JPCSP is completely different. It won't work.
DeleteHi I have a problem with PGD file
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei found new emulator
try this its worked on everygame without any errors i just loved that one also very easy to use compared to jspc
Yeah, it's simplier with PPSSPP but the only problem with me is that there is no voice :( do you know how to fix it?!?!
Deletehey..when i want to patch the share plug ins...the patch is error:(((((...what happened??...help!
ReplyDeleteit fixed..but the monoatrac doesnt work ...when i open then launch sound forge..after it i click tmp then ulus10577->Atrac (there are no results) when i click star it was error..TT_____TT
ReplyDeleteI also get the same thing, I checked in the folder and yeah, all of the "Atrac-0000*****" files are there, though they don't appear in monoatrac... Any help ? :D
DeletePlus I had already installed the game with voicing on this PC and everything worked fine (So it has to do with monoatrac not my computer)
hi,,i am sorry to ask u,but i'm having problem with JPCSP T___T
ReplyDeletei have downloaded the new version of JRE and install it,but when i open the emu,it always say error,n error, how with it?can u help me?
thank u so much before,i am sorry to cause problem.. >__<
Hello:) I played some psp games with your tutorial it is really helpful for those that don't own an psp and want to play:P
ReplyDeleteCurrently i'm trying to play Brothers Conflict-Passion Pink- the game works even if the font has a little problem...it's ok,but the voices are glichy and they work from time to time...i tried diffrent settings for jpcsp and it didn't work and i wanted to ask you if you know how i could resolve this probleme:D
Thank you;)
This isn't even a big problem (yet) but just wondering, has anyone had any trouble with the game's opening? I'm not playing Hakuouki but I downloaded a few other games.
ReplyDeleteAnd they work fine... except the fact I can only HEAR the opening and the pictures do not show up (for both games I downloaded). When I start the actual game I can hear and see everything but I've only played for a few minutes so I'm worried that it might affect something later on in the game (and I thought it would be nice to see the opening but no big loss there...).
I'm using the newest version of the jpcsp and I only downloaded and installed SonicStage because when I first tried opening the game I got the voices, just not the background music. Installing SonicStage seems to have fixed the background music and the other programs all seem to be sound related (and since I didn't have a problem with sound anymore, I didn't install them).
I'm wondering if anyone has had a problem here and if installing the other 2 programs will help.
On the other hand, I can testify, jpcsp on a new computer with good stats runs flawlessly, even the sound is smooth. If I can just get the opening segment to work it will be as perfect as a real psp.
ReplyDeleteI have a problem: I want to play Brothers Conflict: Passion Pink, but the voices lag(they're veery slow and laggy...). Do ou know a solution?
ReplyDeleteI'm having the same problem as a user above. When I press START for mono_atrac_plus tool, I get an error saying "JPSCP is not running,the tool stops working." Do you know how to fix this?
Wow nice blogging really awesome game information.and overall look of your blog is fabulous, all games are great,thanks for shearing it.
ReplyDeleteFun Games
Hi I'm having trouble with the mono_atrac_plus tool where the "start" button doesnt even work after all those steps
ReplyDeletesame thing happened to me! i also tried using and earlier version of the mono_atrac but it still doesn't work
Deletesame to me too
DeleteMe too.. earlier when my pc was still fine i can,but when it has been error in mozilla n i reinstall all n download the new version of Jpcsp i have this problem too..it can't work after all, :(
DeleteForget about monoatrac and try the new method. If all else fails try ppsspp, It has lower sound volume in some cases but is otherwise easier to use.
DeleteHello thanks for the tutorial ! but I have a problem you see y read all the comments and all the explanation on the blogpost but after I load the game is said to me that it doesn't support "piracy" and I doesn't let me play the game... do you have any solution to this? I've a mac so somehow I understood I only have to put the ISO file on the "umdimages" folder so I did that but i didn't worked out ... any solutions for the "piracy thing"? I don't know how to decryption the game x.x
ReplyDeleteHi, thank for the tutorial, the game worked, the voice too, but i can't load, i mean i don't know how to do, can anyone tell me?
ReplyDeleteMy JPCSP is v0.7 and there is no configuration button.How can I make my jpcsp go faster?
ReplyDeleteMojuutsukai to Oujisama Snow bride works too! Complete voice, background, and sound.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info! :-D
DeletePlease HELP ME T,T..
ReplyDeletei just litle bit for instal but why when i click start button that not run ???
this the picture plese help me T,T i worked hard for play this game with voice
Try the new method, it's much more likely to work.
Deletei have tried the new method (thanks so much for the update) but the seiyuu sounds still dont work. im thinking it's the sonic stage (though i have installed a 4.3 version and openmg) because i dont understand the 'requires media engine and installed separately' thing. do i have other things to install other than sonic stage and openmg?
ReplyDeleteHelp please (I know it's a little late, but I need help)
ReplyDeletein the last step to open [Jpcsp main Dir] / tmp / gameid / Atrac
gives me error, I did like your video, I press star and gives me error
ReplyDeleteThank You Very Much!!
ReplyDeleteYour tutorial is great.
Finally I can play the game and hear the voices!
I love you!! ♡〜٩(^▿^)۶〜♡